

Deletes the jingerly specific files, if they exist.


Jinja2 filter that reads the contents of the file at path and returns it.


Jinja2 filter that downloads the file at url and returns its contents.


Creates a jinja2.Environment and prepares it to be used by jingerly. We use a jinja2.DebugUndefined undefined object so that when template variables are not provided they are left alone. This means we

can use jingerly to template projects that use Jinja2
jingerly.__make_renderer(env, variables)

Returns a function that takes some text and creates and renders a template from it using env and variables

jingerly.__make_variables(template_dir, output_dir, kwargs)

Returns a dictionary of the variables that will be passed into the template. Combines template_dir and output_dir with kwargs as ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ repectively. Then processes output_dir/jingerly.env (if it exists).

jingerly.__process_dirs(root, dirs, renderer)

Changes any directory name in dirs that needs changing (rendering).

jingerly.__process_files(root, files, renderer)

Pass the contents of each file in files to renderer, changes the file name if needed.

jingerly.__run_post(output_dir, renderer)

Runs the jingerly.post script

jingerly.__run_pre(output_dir, renderer)

Runs the jingerly.pre script

jingerly.__run_script(script_path, renderer)

Renders the script at script_path then calls it

jingerly.__walk(root, ignore)

Replicates os.walk() but filters out any files or folders whose name is found in ignore.

jingerly.find_variables(template_dir, _ignore=None)

jingerly.__walk() through every file and directory in template_dir returning a list of all of the variables. This is used for the interactive feature of the CLI.

jingerly.render(template_dir, output_dir, _ignore=None, **kwargs)

jingerly.__walk() through every file and directory in template_dir, render it using variable values in kwargs, and save the output in output_dir. The order things happen in is:

  1. Copy entire template to output directory
  2. Read variables from jingerly.env
  3. Run jingerly.pre
  4. Walk through output_dir processings files and directories
  5. Run jingerly.post
  6. Clean up any jingerly specific files